Imac display profile photography printiing
Imac display profile photography printiing

If you are like many of our clients using an Imac, laptop, or a simular shiny displays, we recommend that you use an external monitor such as an Ezio. We have found that the results from Ezio displays and other simular colour accurate displays are by far the most reliable, and we highly recommend that if you are serious about colour accuracy, you invest in such a display for your digital workflow. Low-end displays are often unreliable even after calibration. WARNING: It’s important to note as mentioned above that not all displays are recommended for photo editing. Unfortunately even calibrating such a display will never produce accurate results. In-fact some displays often add contrast and saturation to make your images “pop”, and although your images look great on screen it is often an untrue representation. Why do my prints look flat and unsaturated?Ī lot of displays on the market today are not designed to generate accurate colour, contrast and saturation. To fix this you will need to ensure that your monitor is correctly calibrated. The cause of this is most likely an inconsistency between screen and printer profiles (how each device interprets colour) What most people don’t realise is that if your computer display is not rendering colour accurately, printing colour accurately is like shooting at a moving target with a blindfold on.

imac display profile photography printiing

If you have printed anything before, you may have noticed a difference between what is displayed on your screen and the printed result.

imac display profile photography printiing imac display profile photography printiing

Why do my prints look different to my computer display?

Imac display profile photography printiing